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Policy statement
6 million journeys and no serious injuries
As London's 'Boris Bikes' bicycle rental scheme approaches its first anniversary
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Public health hampered by false perception of cycling risk
According to the Transport & Health Study Group (T&HSG) - the principal UK health
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Only 7 minor injuries in over 1 million hire journeys
Transport for London announces that since the London bike hire scheme began, ther
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Fittest children cycle to school
Children who cycle to school are more physically active and fit than those who us
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'Helmet hair' puts women off cycling
Women are three times less likely to cycle than men because they are put off by "h
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Department for Transport review finds no benefit from helmets
Despite attempts to manipulate the results, one of the largest reviews of the evidence has not been able to find any reliable evidence that helmets have benefited cyclists.
Bicycle Helmet Initiative Trust
BHIT campaigns for a helmet law, but its claims are often wide of the mark
Helmet policy, advice and bibliography
Cyclist and pedestrian casualties in Edinburgh 1980 - 2000
Cycle helmet use in higher in Edinburgh than elsewhere in the UK, but there has been no discernible improvement in casualties. For children, casualties have increased.
Helmet wearing and cycle use in Great Britain
Outcomes from Government research
Royal Mail requires its 37,000 cycling 'posties' to wear helmets. But what evidence was taken into account?
The HEAT tool of the World Health Organisation is used to show that a helmet law for the UK would result in 253 more premature deaths per annum and an ongoing financial cost of £304m to £415m.
Trends in cyclist casualties in Britain with increasing cycle helmet use (to 2000)
A look at the influence of cycle helmets on cyclist casualty statistics in Britain, and a comparison with similar research from other countries. May 2000
4 UK reports find little evidence of helmet effectiveness
Bicycle helmets - a review of their effectiveness (2002)
This report from the Department for Transport has been much criticised for its lack of balance and the omission of so much that is crucially relevant
Child cyclist head injuries in England: the wider context
A critique of Department for Transport research
The CTC's view about cycle helmets with key facts and arguments. 2012
Cycle helmets: an overview of the evidence
CTC's case, with references, why helmets should not be made compulsory or promoted. 2012
Head injury deaths among 0-14 year olds in Scotland, 1986-1995
This report finds that child pedestrians are much more at risk of head injury than child cyclists
Quantifying the risk of head injury to child cyclists in England
An analysis of hospital admissions data
Casualty trends in Great Britain
The pattern of cyclist casualties before and after the increase in helmet use
Casualty trends in Greater London
How cyclists casualties have changed with growing cycle helmet use
Child cyclist injuries involving head injury, Great Britain
Government statistics
Cycling fatalities, Great Britain
From 1984